All our products are GLUTEN FREE, being suitable for coeliacs, with the exception of our peppers stuffed with meat, mushrooms, cod and hake and prawns.


White Asparagus 6/9 Can 720 ml Extra (China)
White Asparagus 9/12 Can 720 ml (Peru)
White Asparagus 17/24 Can 720 ml (Peru)
Espárrago Blanco 25/34 Lata K-B Primera (China)
White Asparagus 6/9 Can 720 ml (Peru)
White Asparagus 9/12 Can 720 ml (Peru)
White Asparagus 13/16 Can 720 ml (Peru)
White Asparagus 17/24 Can 720 ml (Peru)
White Asparagus 25/34 Can 720 ml (Peru)
White Asparagus 9/12 Can 850 ml (Peru)
White Asparagus 13/16 Can 850 ml (Peru)
White Asparagus 17/24 Can 850 ml (Peru)
White Asparagus 9/12 Can 850 ml (China)
White Asparagus 13/16 Can 720 ml (Peru)
White Asparagus 5 Units Can 1/2 Kg "D.O.Navarre"
Espárrago Blanco 6/8 Lata 1 Kg Extra
White Asparagus 17/24 Can 720 ml (China)
White Asparagus Cuts Can 425 ml
White Asparagus 9/12 Can 720 ml (China)
White Asparagus 13/16 Can 720 ml Extra (China)
White Asparagus 9/12 Can 720 ml (China)
White Asparagus 13/16 Can 720 ml Extra (China)


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